Results for «lose control»

Lady Bug

1h 41m

A chemically dependent woman loses control of her life. Willing to do anything to get to her children in a far off city. She stows away on a private boat only to find herself face to face with a homicidal maniac.

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91%: A Film About Guns in America

55m 33s

America’s 325 million residents own an estimated 347 million firearms. Not surprisingly, gun violence has become one of the most urgent public health issues facing Americans today.In 91%, a cross-section of U.S. gun violence victims tell their heartbreaking stories of loss, pain, and a heroic search for hope in a nation stalled in a senseless gun control debate. We find a common thread – the gunmen had all-too- easy access to high-powered weaponry.

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Ciudad Juarez: Cartel Wars

50m 34s

In the past ten years, more than 200,000 people have been murdered in Mexico. Most of the victims came from the streets of Ciudad Juarez, near the US border, where the rival La Línea and Sinaloa cartels fight over control of the cocaine market to America. For several months, journalist Alejandro Delval infiltrated the La Línea cartel, following the cocaine trail from Ciudad Juarez to New York.

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Ciudad Juarez: Cartel Wars

50m 34s

In the past ten years, more than 200,000 people have been murdered in Mexico. Most of the victims came from the streets of Ciudad Juarez, near the US border, where the rival La Línea and Sinaloa cartels fight over control of the cocaine market to America. For several months, journalist Alejandro Delval infiltrated the La Línea cartel, following the cocaine trail from Ciudad Juarez to New York.

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Ciudad Juarez: Cartel Wars

50m 34s

In the past ten years, more than 200,000 people have been murdered in Mexico. Most of the victims came from the streets of Ciudad Juarez, near the US border, where the rival La Línea and Sinaloa cartels fight over control of the cocaine market to America. For several months, journalist Alejandro Delval infiltrated the La Línea cartel, following the cocaine trail from Ciudad Juarez to New York.

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